The Event by JoblessFreaks

 DAY 1 

On 20th March,2018 Raj Jadhav and his team had to leave for Mangalore,Karnataka for a gaming event organised by JoblessFreaks. But early morning that day we came to know that students called of protest in Mumbai resulting in the resumption of train services. So we were really stressed out because we had our hotels booked and the event is scheduled on 21st March and as it was our first event we didn't wanted anything to go wrong. We were not sure whether the protest has affected Express Railways as well. Though our Train was supposed to departure at 3.45pm in the afternoon, we still left our home 2 hours prior to the departure. But fortunately trains weren't late at all and we all reached Thane Railway Station 1:30 hours before the departure and by then all trains were running on time.  So our train ( Matsyagandha Express ) was supposed to reach Thane Railway station at 3:45pm and we were there 1:30 hours early. So Raj Jadhav decided to go LIVE on our Facebook page and also we took a couple of Timelapse shots near railway station. Also We were VLOGGING as we wanted to record our entire journey.

And finally our train arrived right on the time, and finally our beautiful 17 hours travelling journey began. But there was one problem we were facing... Raj Jadhav, Hardik Nagada and Dhruv Kadam all had different seats in three different coaches. So we decided to have a word with the Ticket Checker and get placed together. We talked to the TC and he told us he can't do anything we should talk to the nearby passengers and ask for seat exchange. But no one agreed to exchange their seats. So we decided to seat together on one seat instead of going to our respective coaches, which ofcourse won't be fun travelling 17 hours alone.  So we decided to VLOG in train as we had no other things to do... While we were setting up our cameras for shoot, we heard a guy screaming "Stop the train! Stop the train! Catch that guy!" Someone pulled the chain and asked him what happened. So basically somewhere near Panvel, the train was slow and a thief entered the train and snatched that persons wallet and he jumped off the train and disappeared in the bushes. Train was stopped and everyone looked for that thief outside there was no one miles away from the train. That incident was pretty painful as the victim had a lot of money in his wallet. But the journey must go on, so we were waiting for sunset, so that we could capture the sunset on our cameras. So while preparing and setting our camera for the sunset the train stopped yet again. And we were told it's because of signal and few people jumped of the train and were standing on the ground. Even we decided to get down and take few pictures and as the signal goes green we'll get back inside the train. We did managed to click few good pictures.
This image was taken with MiA1 using Gcam while the train was moving with 60-70 km/hr
Finally the sun began to set and we took few pictures as well as recorded the beautiful moment on our camera. Here onward the journey will be explained with pictures.
Well it was a hectic day working, so boys Dhruv kadam(left) and Hardik Nagada(right) decided to take a power nap
Well it's always good to take a power nap when you have alot of work to do, especially in this case, Raj Jadhav had decided to do vlog the entire journey which means no sleep for next 17 hours and even after that, as we had our event the next day, we had to stay awake for around 48 hours straight, so it's better to take small sessions of power nap.
We reached Mangaon on time, Mangaon Station itself is so beautiful that it brought a smile on Raj Jadhav's face. 
It was around 6:30pm in the evening and we reached mangaon, a beautiful place located in southern Maharashtra.
A pack of Sweet lassi always cheers you up, well this is what Raj Jadhav thinks.
Well it was around 9:30 in the evening and we reached Chiplun, the train was running 1 hour late, but we weren't concerned about it as we were enjoying our journey.
Well we were not that hungry, but we decided to have our Dinner, as Dhruv Kadam and Hardik Nagada had a tiffin and they decided not to have the food provided my the Railways, but Raj Jadhav was not interested in having home made food, so he decided to eat Veg Fried Rice which was provided by the Railway. Even after warning given by his friends about the Railway food leading to Diarrhea he ended up eating it, well but nothing happened. The food was good the stomach was full and we had completed half the journey.


 DAY 2 

Hardik Nagada at Madgaon Railway Station.
It was 3am in the night and we reached Madgaon,Goa. And as train was supposed to halt for 10mins, Raj Jadhav and Hardik Nagada decided to take a walk around the station. While Dhruv was sleeping both Raj and Hardik had a beautiful cup of tea at 3am in the morning... Travelling,Goa,Tea. What else could be better?

Do you know, Every year almost 2,000 people are killed in India along the railway network.
Well there are people who can sleep peacefully at night while travelling, but there are few who decides not to sleep as they're aware of crimes that happens in the train during night. Whether that be rape or stealing or kidnapping,etc. Raj Jadhav decided not to take risk as we were having alot of expensive stuffs. And also we were carrying Circle Gaming products which was worth Rs8,000 along with us.Also the camera and equipment as well as our money was important.
It was 7:15am in the morning, we reached Mulki, a small place near Coastal region of Karnataka.
We were just a station away from our destination. Though our event was in Mangalore, Karnataka. We decided to stay at Surathkal. Surathkal being close to some beautiful spots of Coastal Karnatka. We decided after the event with 2 days remaining we'll be travelling to some nearby tourist attraction.
This picture was taken when we left Mulki and were heading towards Surathkal.
The amazing Journey came to an end as we reached Surathkal at around 8:45am in the morning. We decided to eat something and then get ready for the event. We ate Masala Dosa and took a good rest of about 3 hours. We had our lunch, yet again we, as in Raj Jadhav ate Masala Dosa for lunch, we took the bus and left for the destination.

 DAY 3 
After the hectic day of the event, we finally went back to our hotel at around 9pm. And slept like a baby for 12 hours straight. The next day we were so tired, we didn't feel like doing anything and decided to just sit in our room doing nothing. After all we were given Honeymoon Suite by Hotel Maharaja International.  The bathroom was so big, we played box cricket over there. And yea it was fun. Later that night, Raj and Dhruv decided to do a food challenge. They both aren't Food eating experts and had never done it before. But the question is, who won the FOOD CHALLENGE? Find out here :

After doing this challenge... It was a really tough time for Raj Jadhav as he managed to eat the entire food within 30 mins. And yes it was heavy. He was not able to walk, feeling like a pregnant lady, well only difference was that, he was carrying a dead chicken and not alive human in his stomach.

 DAY 4 

It was our last day of vacation and, it was the only day we could do sightseeing, but yea we decided to sleep the entire day doing nothing. Well the place was so quite and the bed was so soft and comfortable. We being Mumbaikars, a quite place is what we never heard about. We decided to just stay lazy doing nothing.

 DAY 5 

sWell finally the last session of vacation began, "THE JOURNEY BACK TO MUMBAI". We were tired. Our train was scheduled to departure at 1:30pm from Surathkal. We decided to go to a temple located near a beach. So we left our luggage at the reception and before checking out we wen to the temple. The place was pleasant and it calmed us. We then spent few minutes at the beach.
the place you see behind is the temple, located beside the Surathkal beach, also called as Lighthouse beach.

Well we realised we have to reach station within 20 mins. And in this 20 mins we have to reach back to the hotel which was 10 mins away from the beach via Auto Rickshaw. and then we had to the checkout and leave for Station which was about 1km away from the hotel. Here we faced a major problem. The beach was located 1 km away from the National Highway. And there was no source of any public transport to reach back to the hotel. But then came a truck over there, we asked for a lift till the National highway. and let me tell you it was one of the best ride we ever experienced. And because of that ride we reached our hotel on time, we did our checkout and we reached the station couple of minutes before the Arrival time of the train. Sad part was, the train was delayed by 30mins.

Well there's nothing more to talk about the Journey then. We were tired, yet we managed to do VLOG. And well, remember the robbery that happened while we were coming to Mangalore, exactly at the same spot, another robbery happened while on our journey back to Mumbai. This time the thief snatched someone's gold chain. Well there were few bad moments in our 5 days long journey, but there were alot of Good memories, which will stay in our mind, heart and on our Youtube Channel forever.



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